Deewali Miscommunication

6 min read
Deewali Miscommunication's feature image

She managed to hoodwink her husband on Deewali night by telling him that she has an important meeting with a foreign client. The meeting was supposed to be crucial for her company, and she'll back home in no time. Here she was trying to convince me. That, she can't stay for long. That, she needs to go back to her husband as soon as possible.

“Please… Just make it quick. I have to be home before it's 10. ” She turns around.

She was wearing a sky-blue-colored-Saree. The fabric of the Saree was glittery, very alluring to look away. Especially when worn by stunning beauty, curvy-woman like her. I haven't lit-up even a single oil-lamp or any Chinese Diwali lights. The darkness pervaded my flat. Regardless of my perversion, I was an environmentalist. The only visible spectrum of light was coming from the balcony that she'd opened after her arrival. The ceaseless fireworks people were hailing at the sky were echoing through the entire city.

“It's too bad that you don't want to stay the night. I'd planned to blast you the entire night. I might have invited some friends with some booze as well.” I said.

“Don't.” She said curtly.

“Don't what?” I sit upright on the bed.

“Don't tempt me! You know that I never say no to a Gang-bang. Try to understand. Let's just get done with this ASAP.” She walked up to me.

She kept staring at my face in utter darkness. I sigh and take a deep breath.

“Fine! Let's get this over with.” I stated decisively.

I stood up, and she holds my forearms, expecting a hug, probably. But I grabbed her wrist and swirling her around. I put her down on the bed. Pin her hands above her head, she moans and lifts her bottom higher up enticingly.

“If you need it to be quick, I'm going to tie you up… You know that, right?” I exclaim, kneading her bottom like dough.

“Ummm, Yess… I know, and you can start with the bottom…” She croons.


Her four-limbs tied up against the respective bedposts. She's on her belly. Urging her to lift her bottom, I padded a feather-pillow underneath her abdomen for the elevation. I dragged her Saree and petticoat up until her hips ran my index finger on the crevice between those squishy yet taut mounds. She pushed it back.

“What if I convince your husband to let you stay here… For the entire night.” I proposed the craziest idea possible. She'd have thought I'm kidding around. But I dialed his number and put my phone on speaker. She wriggled helplessly to get free.

“Are you mad? Please, don't…” She screams at the top of her lungs, it starts ringing, and I hold her steady by pushing the small of her back, “No, Kabir…” The ringing stopped, so did she. I felt her buttocks clench against my knees.

“Hello,” A manly voice comes from the speaker.

“Hello, Raj… there's something I need to tell you,” I said as a guilt-ridden criminal taking the blame.

“Hello, hello…” He speaks too loud than necessary, although I get why he was doing it.

I could hear incessant loud noises of Diwali firecrackers. They must've been the neighborhood kids.

“Remember when your wife went to Goa last year with Kangna?” I continued with even a lower tone.

She was gawking at me with her mouth wide open, unable to interject or make any hindering movement.

“I can't hear you. Who's this? Hello…” The tone of our voice was as if inversely proportional.

“But she wasn't actually in Goa…” I withdrew her panty down to her knees.

“Ah, she came back from Goa.” Finally, he understood at least one word of what I said.

“She was at my place.” I take my meat out in my hand.

“One second, one second. Aye…” He's probably trying to shoo the kids.

“And she wasn't with Kangna. She was with me, Kabir.” I emphasized my name, pointing the thick knob at the nether passage.

“Hey, Kabir, Ah… How are you?” He seemed very gleeful.

Damn, he knows me from the party, I thought. I wasn't sure.

“I know this is not the bomb you were expecting on Deewali.” She clenched, I poked.

“Yeah, we'll burst bombs just come…”

“But I hope it can still work out between us. If your wife stays with me tonight.”

“Tonight, Ah… You want to come for dinner?” He gets very excited. He must have been very lonely.

“Happy Deewali!” I stated matter-of-factly.

“Ah, Happy Deewali!! You're coming or what?” He keeps insisting.

“Goodbye. Raj.” I murmur.

“Hello, hello…” Still a confused spirit he was.

I disconnect the call.

“Such a mean effing bastard you're…” She purrs like a big cat. I feel her bunghole ease-out, inviting me in.

“Oh, hell yeah… I'm a magnificent bastard.” I thrust and dive right in.

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