Lumnary's Protege

Kabir Singh

June 27, 2023

Age Gap


Lumnary's Protege's feature image

On the cusp of womanhood, Suditi Ghosh - was beginning to feel the weight of her newfound womanhood. Her body was changing and started to question the expectations that society had for her as a woman. She was rebellious in her thoughts and blossomed into a perfect woman physically. She was a vision of beauty. Her long, raven hair was as smooth and glossy as ebony, and her eyes were like pools of liquid obsidian. Her skin was flawless, like porcelain, and her features were delicate and well-proportioned. Her bosom was a little too heavy, but they were also a source of pride for her. Her bluish eyes and her bosom, made her stand out among other Indian females.

Suditi was drawn to power and money like a moth to a flame. Her father's profession, who was the most successful lawyer in the city, where he represented wealthy clients accused of crimes, exposed her to a world of opulence. It ignited a fascination within her for powerful people and the allure of their lifestyles.

Suditi yearned to be part of the elite circles that her friends belonged to. Her desire to spend time with them, to bask in their wealth and status, often led her astray. She would concoct elaborate stories to deceive her parents, claiming she needed to study with a friend while secretly venturing to the city's most exclusive pubs. There, amidst pulsating music and swirling lights, she would lose herself in the rhythm, indulging in the thrill of dancing and the intoxication of alcohol.

The adrenaline rush of these encounters fueled Suditi's longing for power and excitement. She relished the attention and admiration that came with being in the company of the city's affluent youth. However, her father's wealth, amassed from his successful legal practice, did not trickle down to Suditi. While surrounded by luxury, she felt the sting of financial limitations imposed upon her. It created a sense of restlessness within her, a need to break free from her father's shadow by any means possible.

At a glamorous housewarming party hosted by a prominent socialite, Suditi's path unexpectedly crossed with an MLA, who happened to be her father's most lucrative client, with his political clout and reputation preceding him. In just a few fleeting seconds, Suditi found herself inexplicably drawn to him, captivated by his commanding presence and the aura of power that seemed to surround him. It was a moment that sparked an unexplained connection, a fascination she couldn't fully comprehend at that instant. What she didn't know was that; the MLA felt an undeniable attraction towards Suditi due to her standing-out features.

Thakur Raghubir Pratap Singh is a politician who embodies the paradoxes of appearance and personality. At first glance, he appears to be a man whose physical appearance aligns with the paradoxes of his personality. His rotund belly protrudes prominently, emphasizing his indulgence in worldly pleasures. Hairs sprout untamed from his nose and ears, a testament to neglecting personal grooming. His receding hairline reveals a large forehead, devoid of any lush strands except for a few wisps of white hair that remain. Yet, when adorned in his traditional Kurta-Pajama politician outfit, Singh manages to create an illusion of formidability.

Forty-nine-year-old Singh has already made a name for himself as an MLA. However, his ascent to political prominence is marred by a web of corruption, criminal accusations, and scam charges. Despite the gravity of these allegations, he possesses a cunning ability to escape definitive conviction, always managing to exploit legal loopholes or wield his influence to avoid facing the full consequences of his actions.

Despite only receiving education until the seventh standard, Singh has a sly and manipulative personality. He skillfully exploits his position of power, using it to amass wealth through illicit means and engage in corrupt practices. His web of connections and alliances provides him with a shield against those who seek to bring him to justice, further perpetuating his reign of corruption.

While he may be uneducated, unscrupulous, and morally bankrupt, he is not without intelligence. He possesses a sharp mind that he employs to outmaneuver his opponents and safeguard his interests. His ability to navigate the complex world of politics, making calculated alliances and striking deals behind closed doors, has contributed to his continued success despite the damning accusations that surround him.

Raghubir is a character who embodies the darkest aspects of politics, a man who thrives in the shadows of deception and exploitation. He stops at nothing to further his agenda, perpetuating a cycle of abuse and manipulation that ultimately serves his insatiable appetite for power.

Hidden beneath the unattractive exterior and the shadows of corruption, there lies an unforeseen twist in the tale. As fate weaves its intricate threads, a subtle spark of attraction glimmers between Thakur Raghubir Pratap Singh and Suditi Ghosh. Their paths, once seemingly distant, have converged in an inexplicable way, hinting at the possibility of a connection that could alter the course of their lives. Unbeknownst to Suditi, the MLA, captivated by her unique features and confident spirit, finds himself drawn to her in ways he cannot yet comprehend. The stage is set for an intriguing encounter, where the collision of power and youthful rebellion may ignite a flame that neither of them can easily extinguish.

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