Meet Me Beyond Time

11 min read
Meet Me Beyond Time's feature image

World 1:

Two twin siblings, with 1 hour age gap. Very close to each other. Married on same day. Brother has done arranged marriage. Sister has done love marriage. Both working on a time machine project on their own. Brother has a secret feeling towards the sis. Never showed it since his love for her started when she was broken and alone after her first break up, which happened due to her mistake when she ended up having a ons with her older boss (their father's friend). She felt guilty, and broke up with her bf without telling the reason. And stayed miserable while the brother helped her through her emotional turmoil. After a year of that the sis found a new guy and loved him. And got married after few years of dating. The brother now in secret love, decides to marry in an arranged scenario and keep his emotions hidden forever.

And while they try to navigate all these, they also face different other things.. Like the duplicate sis of that world is also in a relationship with the duplicate of her boss from the old world, who is their father's friend here in this world too.. So she would be going to have two marriages - first the brother, then the older guy after two months of first marriage.

While the original sis is tackling these two relationship against her feelings, she is also important to the little township they all live in.. She is a warrior in the town's guard team.. And the brother is a practicing mage.. Both would have to go on an adventure to find two dragons that are essential to the town's defense against the neighboring kingdom which is coming to destroy the township because of an old feud..

Original world:

  1. Original brother
  2. Original sister,
  3. her old boss,
  4. a new guy (her love & hubby)

Medieval world:

  1. Clone brother (original consciousness)
  2. Clone sister (original consciousness)
  3. Her old boss

(Other characters - her dad, her current bf in original world, town's people, dragons)


Original world:

  1. Girl & her current bf then they break up
  2. Girl & old boss
  3. Girl & her brother (complicated relationship)

Medieval world:

  1. Clone brother & sister
  2. Clone sister (original consciousness) & her old boss
  3. Clone brother (Original consciousness) & clone sister (original consciousness) complicated relationship


Story starter:

Girl aged 24, gets a new job when she loses her first one. Their father helps her by talking to his friend who owns the biophysics farm.. Though she gives interview and only then gets selected. Her first project after joining is some gene based project that the boss is overseeing himself. Only one other researcher is working on it and the girl starts to work with them.

As weeks pass, the girl, who still calls her father's friend (they are from close families) as uncle only when they are alone and outside office, she comes to see that he stays disturbed most of the times.. She had never seen him except as a happy hearted person growing up. But now she can see pain in him which he keeps trying to hide. She likes him as her father's friend. And is genuinely concerned. She tries to ask a few times but he calmly diverts topic. On his part, the boss has just lost custody of his daughter who chose to go and stay with his ex wife in a new country. Both have left him alone and he is now broken inside.

While he is sad inwardly, he notices how concerned his friend's daughter is towards him. No one else has been noticing his sadness otherwise. And it touches him. In his weak state of heart, he feels love for this girl who is almost like his own daughter. He tries to control his feelings for her, but fails as his heart needs some comfort, and he slowly tries to come closer to her, not for sex but more for that closeness..

So he makes her work late into nights woth him, takes her out on lunches and dinners sometimes, and eventually removes the other guy from the project, giving it to her entirely, so she only works on it while he supervises.

The girl begins to notice this pattern but couldn't ask anything. By the second month of her job, she and him are working closely.

One day, she comes to office lab on a weekend as asked by the boss, and finds him crying. Completely concerned, she asks him to share his pain telling that she is there to listen to him. And he tells her all his pain story. And how he is lost and alone inside. And then while saying all this he confesses something - his growing need for her closeness. She is shocked and yet politely tells him no. And leaves thinking that the boss is asking for sexual favor only.

Next one week both remain awkward with each other even if she works with him. The boss apologies and tries to tell her that she misunderstood him.

One week later, on a Friday, the boss would faint due to ill health while working with her at a lab outside the city owned by him, and she would get him to the hospital by his car (driven by his driver)..

There at the back seat, she sits holding him and trying to wake him up, feeling all worried.. And he comes to a mild consciousness, kind of in a dreaming state, he holds her tight and buries his head into her, asking her to keep him close and not leave him, calling her as his wife.. He is dreaming about his wife actually but is seeing this girl's face in place of his wife's face in that dream.. He is not aware what he is actually doing in real..

Just to calm him down, she tells him that she won't leave him, calling him as husband.. He must have heard her as he kisses her cheek and in his half awake state hugs and cries to her. Again faints after some time. They reach hospital soon, where she has him admitted, and stays with him for the night as he is treated by the docs. The saturday and sunday also she spends a lot of time there looking after him. He comes back to full consciousness by sunday evening. Monday morning they discharge him. This whole incident leaves a new feeling and thoughts in the girl.

She would decide to personally take care of the boss at his house where he rests foe the week. And it is there that she becomes even closer with him. And after three days there, one early morning they end up getting intimate when she tells her what had happened in the car.

She doesn't love him like a lover though but grows close to him. Likes his presence and care for her. Allows him to love her. But she starts to feel guilty towards her bf after she ends up having her third sex with the boss.

The bf also has been getting irritated that she is working so much and not giving time. He doesn't suspect anything though. The girl uses this point of him not being patient with her, rather than confessing her cheating, and ends the relationship. The bf tries aggressively to keep her but she turns him down.

After that breakup, she gets broken herself inside, and asks the boss for leave. Permanently from the job. He agrees but requests a final moment with her. He takes her to a small business trip, and asks her if she can treat him as her husband there for the whole three days. She feels weird, but still she agrees. And spends three great days and nights with him. And resigns after they get back.

After this all, she stays home completely shattered inside.. And it is when the brother comes to support her. With his own love for her growing. And she eventually tells him everything like after a few months. The brother listens and accepts it all. Helps her to recover slowly from her misery. After a year, he manages her to go on a new date.. And she finds her husband-to-be...


  1. Bf cum husband:

Sanjeev(Kartik aryan), 5.7, wheatish complexion, black eyes, black short straight hair, fit but with a little chubs..

Kind, simple, sagelike, has a short temper at times, romantic, intuitive and artistic

  1. Boss (father's friend)

Jagjeet (Logan), 5.10, grey brown hair, well built, tall and heavy, hazel eyes, well trimmed beard and moustaches

Saddened with divorce from wife and losing custody of only daughter, lives alone, fiercely independent, lost at times, hard working, gentle at heart and very caring, energetic. Longs for a family but is in a shell now to go for someone again..

  1. Brother's wife-

Akshra(Emma watson), 5.5” fair enough, black eyes, long black hairs till her waist line, pretty perfect curvy shaped slim body!

Elegant, classy, bubblicious, honourable in her own news industry!

Akshra is best friend of his husband's sister and very good friend of him as well.

She is a news reporter in sister's boss' company, sister's boss suggested her to marry with brother!

  1. The girl: Swati (Rashi), about 5.5 in height, fair with brown eyes, slender n curvy, with dark brown wavy hair that generally is kept till the shoulders.. Studious, shy, dreamy, gentle, caring towards all

  2. The boy: Arnav(Tom holland), about 5.6” in height, fair with black eyes, slender with fit body, curly hairs..

Polite, charming, respectful yet vibrant, caring for others!

  1. Character: Bf of original world-

Name- Raj (Joe goldberg) Height- 5'8” Color- Grayish Eyes- light brown Hairs- wavy & curly Body- slender and fit!

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