Psychological Ramifications

Kabir Singh

July 26, 2021



Psychological Ramifications's feature image

My mother and I have a strange relationship. If I said it's incestuous, that'd be an exaggeration. If I said it's platonic, then I'd be lying.

To summarize, she's been a single mother ever since I can remember. If she's divorced, or she never got married, or who my biological father is. I don't know anything about that. She gets mad if I ever try to make her speak on the subject. Although, she is very social. She often invites men from her office, or God knows where, to our home. I was only nine years old when I realized the real reason for her being convivial.

Every time a man would leave her bedroom, I could see her face glowing. It could be she is a fan of facial. By the way, she'd never allowed me to interact with any of her mates. I'd have to shut the bedroom door and pretend as if I don't exist until her mate is gone. That's how it worked. My mother is not an emotional being by nature, not even for me. She cares for me, but I've never had an emotionally intimate moment with each other. She's cold and distant. Honestly, I think the only intimacy she fancies is purely physical.

Everything was hunky-dory until my board exams. The first time, I asked my mother to be antisocial until my exams are over. She agreed, or that's what I thought. One of the following nights, she came into my bedroom and told me someone's coming over. Clearly, my academic performance wasn't any of her concerns. I pleaded and told her I feel distracted while she's engaged in amatory activities. I'd even forget everything I'd learned so far during the day.

It's the first time I expressed how I felt about her social life. It made her blush, she managed to stay deadpan, but her cheeks gave it away.

“Kabir, I can't say stop him from coming here… it's too late for that, but I will make it up to you. What else can I do for you?” She asked, her tone was very artistically pleasing. I felt my legs quiver momentarily.

I didn't know what to say in response. I'd been fantasizing for so long about so many things. But at that instant, my mind was blank.

“Think about it, you can tell me later… it's ok.” She held my cheek and caressed it with her palm.

I smiled and nodded. What else could I've done?

I sat the storm out, waited in my bedroom in complete silence. Until I heard the main door open and shut, which meant that man had left the house. I wait for a couple of minutes.

I open my bedroom door slightly and look towards her bedroom. The door was wide open. She never left her door open after a session. Maybe I'd never seen her door open because it's the first time I've stayed up so late. It was 3:21 in the morning.

When I don't hear any sound from her bedroom, I get up slowly walk inside. She was lying in a luxurious sprawl. Her hair was a mess, and her skin gleaming. There were too many gobs of goo all over her body. Her eyes were closed, and her massive mounds, heaving. I take a few steps forward.

A sharp pervasive scent invades my nostrils. I intuitively move towards the origin. It was between mother's legs, but not what you may think. The bedsheet was wet, and even the floor had too many puddles here and there. OMG!!! The man has made my mother squirt all over the place.

I was moving forward to take a closer look at her genitalia; that's when one of the puddles came under my naked feet. I faltered momentarily and knocked myself over the edge of the bed.

“Ishaan, is that you?” The cat was out of the bag now. I turned on my heels to face my mother in her filthiest avatar ever.

“Why are you still awake?” She said as if she'd forgotten about the proposal she made this morning.

Then it dawned on me; perhaps I misunderstood. Mother didn't ask me to come into her bedroom so late at night. I have misinterpreted everything she said. I felt embarrassed and yet, hard. I was feeling myself pulsate for the first time in my life.

“You… you said, you'll… you'll make it up to me,” I responded, looking down at the floor with a scarcely audible voice.

“Oh, that… Yes,” She said.

There's a moment of silence. I turn towards the door and am about to leave. I couldn't even look at my mother when she's awake and has her eyes on me.

“Ishaan, wait… Come, take a seat…” She bids.

I looked at her. Mommy's leg was crossed over another, covering her genitalia. She wasn't trying to hide anything else at all. I take a seat on the edge of the bed while looking at her face in the darkness.

“Did you think about it yet? What do you want?” She asked, moving one hand on her belly, probably wiping one of the white lumps, which was irritating her.

“No, Mom,” I mumble.

After fifteen minutes of back and forth exchange of dialogues and her attempt to make me feel comfortable, I told her I want to taste her golden nectar. She told me that she still has some goo inside her from the man she invited. She asked me if I'm sure that I want to do it. For some perfidious reason, I said. Yes. I want to.

After my confirmation, mother sat upright on the bed. She asked me to hand over the rock glass which was sitting on the bedside table. I complied. She took the rock glass, slid it between her thighs. She positioned the rock glass after she spread open one of her legs. Our eyes meet momentarily. Mommy shuts her eyes close and bites on her bottom lips.

I hear the sweet sound of her jet-stream filling in the rock glass. A mischievous smile lurks on her face. Mother bites her lips a little bit harder to keep herself from blushing. My gaze focused on her face, ears listening closely to the sound. But sooner than expected, the sound dissipates into nothingness.

“That's all I've left, for now…” She said, extending the glass, appointed to only one-quarter of its capacity.

I feel my heart sink and stare at her with my doe eyes begging for more.

“Take it before I change my mind,” She gibes.

I take the glass. I see the man's leftover floating on top of the liquid. The sight made me feel disgusted. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. All I could smell was purely her scent only. As if her scent has conquered over the other. I recall her face when she's filling the glass for me. And then I guzzled all of it. I didn't stop until the glass was empty.

“Do you like it?” She asked.

I open my eyes. Mother has been staring at me all along.

“Yes, Mom,” I respond.

“Good boi. Now go to your room and get some sleep.” She told me, snatching the glass of my hand.

After that event, things weren't the same between us. Mother would now care even less about what she's wearing; or how she would behave when I'm around. She would often treat me with a warm glass of her golden nectar early morning. One could think that it was her first piddle from the early morning. It would be so hot that I could see vapors escaping off of its surface whenever she'd hand me over the glass. Unlike Horlicks or Bournvita, I'd lose all my focus and will to focus on my books. But still, I never complained to her about anything after that.

Few months passed by; one night, she invited someone over. The man was super high when she arrived home. I could hear him scream at my mother. Within the next fifteen minutes of his arrival, our home was back to absolute silence.

I don't remember when did I doze off. But when I woke up in the middle of the night, the power was out. I could feel the humidity in the room. I woke up by the sound of my mother's bangles. She was in my bedroom, lying next to me, running her fingers on my hair.

I was surprised and got confused if I'm dreaming. But I was too groggy to be shocked. I asked what my mother is doing in my bedroom. She told me that the man passed out soon after they started making out. He's super drunk. Mother couldn't sleep because of the humidity and the hot temperature. She's in a diaphanous gown, which had too many layers. Probably; dressed up for the man who doesn't care for her at all.

I turned sideways and hugged her from the side, nudging my face next to her ribcage. She reeked of sweat. Even her skin felt sticky. She pushed me away and told me not to cuddle since she's hot already. I suggested she take off her clothes and get some relief. Mother didn't respond but continued to caress my head.

“Mommy, you smell so good,” I whisper.

“Umhm,” She responded.

I felt disappointed by her cold response. After a while, I picked up my shirt, resting on the bed next to my pillow. I started swinging it in the air like a fan. She chuckled lightly. Mother told me that I don't need to do that; let it be, power should be back soon. I wonder if she'd let me have her golden nectar now if I asked for it. But then, I wonder how the taste of her skin would be.

“Momma,” I mumble.


“Can I lick you?” I ask meekly.

“What no? wait. what do you mean by that?” She asked.

“I mean your skin,” I said, thinking about her armpits.

“Not a bad idea,” She says, mocking me with a giggle.

“Mum, I'm serious…” I say, pecking her right armpit over the wet fabric, which was on my side since she's caressing my head.

“Ok, Ishaan.” She agreed, “but on one condition…” She added.

I wait for her to finish her monologue.

“After seeing how passionate a young boy like you could be, I've decided to give them a chance. Could you invite some of your friends for dinner?” She continued.

I twitch by simply imagining her sitting between all my friends and me. The thought was dreadful and overwhelming at the same time.

“Yes, I think… I can.” I complied.

“Good,” She said as she slides the fabric of her armpit, exposing it to me, “Tell me more about your friends, start with the tallest one.”

I peck her bare armpit and swipe my dorsal tongue from bottom to top.

“Alright, Mommy.” I nibble on her creased armpit skin, “His name is…”

“Oh, so you've got only two best friends at your school?” Momma asked when she turns around sideways to the opposite side now, baring her other armpit to me.

I had just told her about all the casual and best friends I had at school. She listened to my monologue very intently while moaning and ruffling her fingers through my hair intermittently.

“Yes, Mommy. I can invite all of them or some of them; however, you'd prefer…” I was holding her by her abdomen when I started licking the other armpit. She tasted heavenly. I couldn't control myself from drooling.

“What do you have in mind?” I ask her, “What is your plan? what am I suppose to tell them?” I had so many questions in my mind. Honestly, her interest in my friends was very titillating for me.

“You're drooling too much,” She grunts out a complaint.

“Sorry,” I mumble and start licking my drool off her skin which was cascading down her ribcage. I'd to slide up and down to cover up the ground.

“What if you tell them it is my birthday, and you are planning a surprise for me. Tell your friends I don't know anything about it. I don't want them to find out what I am until I'm sure of it.” She uttered her thoughts.

“So it'll be like a small party, right? Should I bring you a cake? Are you sure keeping them in the dark will be a good idea? You'll have to act; I'm not sure if…”

“Ishaan, trust me… I know how to fool a man, let alone some young boys from school, alright.” She interjected me.

I went silent for a while, wondering if she only acts that she likes it.

“You put out an act even for me,” I mumble, ceasing my tongue.

“Don't be a jerk, Ishaan; You're the only person in my life. I've never lied to you about anything. You know all my secrets.” I turn straight, “Here…” She spreads her gown, straightening her chest.

I'd never touched her bosom before, not even with my hands. Now I was about to lick her steep canyon. I sit on her pelvis and lean; my hands move to grab her bosom. She slapped my wrist right when I touched her mounds.

“No squeezing,” She said brusquely.

I behave myself and start wiping her canyon with my tongue. I was fighting against my desire to squeeze those melons, dig my teeth into them.

“Do you think your friends would like to bang me?” Her question made my brain go numb. She never allowed me to do it, but she was considering doing it with my friends. What sort of a mother does that?

“I don't see why not,” I responded with a heavy heart, swallowing a lump of salty sadness.

She smiles at my response. I see her fidget with her hair ruminating about the possibilities.

“How can you be so sure?” She asked.

“You're such a delightful woman. No true man could decline your offer. At least not when you two are present in the same room.” I said, striving to slide my tongue underneath her brazier.

“Oh, Ishaan… my little boy… I'm not going to make them any offer if they want me. Then, they need to be man enough and ask for it.” She said.

I was trying to wrap my mind around what she just said. That's when she moves slightly. She opened her brazier and exhaled deeply.

I was about to tackle those melons, but she stopped me, hindering my forehead from getting anywhere closer to her melons with her index finger.

“Promise me. You won't tell your friends about my intention. You're going to let them figure it out on their own.” She said sincerely.

“Ye… Yes. Of course, Mum.” I mumble, endeavoring to get close again.

She still didn't allow me.

“I promise,” I said.

“Very good.” She chuckled and removed her finger from my forehead.

I remained seated on her pelvis awaiting, some instruction.

“Come on, now. Squeeze me.” She coaxed.

Right when I squeezed her melons just once, very slightly with my trembling hands. The power came back on. The street light from the netted window swamped her damp skin. I saw an expression of pride on her face which faded away very soon.

When I squeezed her again, she soughed.

“Ishaan, I should get some sleep…” She said in a concerned tone.

“But… Mom…”

“You can lick me right before I take a shower…” She interjected.

“Okay, fine.” I sigh, unwilling to liberate those melons.

The next day she kept her promise, but this time it didn't have the same feeling which I had last night. But throwing tantrums was never an option for me. Later at night, on the same day, she called me in her bedroom. She didn't have any visitors that night. We thoroughly discussed our mission in detail. She did the most of planning; I mostly just listened. Mother had a shimmer in her eyes. I could feel her excitement on the same level as hers. What a brilliant criminal she'd have made. I thought.

Finally, the day arrived, or should I say the night. My friend Yash and Dhruv, we were best friends for the last three years. I was the average guy; Dhruv was the brain of the trio. And Yash was the muscle.

I told them that it's my Mother's birthday. She never likes to celebrate so we'll get a cake and some takeaway food for dinner. Surprise her, say happy birthday. Cut the cake, have dinner together, and that'll be it. I kept thinking about whether I should tell them what they're getting themselves into, but I was so embarrassed to say it to them. I was as nervous as the student right before the exam, maybe even more.

We arrived home around 8:26 in the evening. I ring the doorbell. Yash was holding the cake, Dhruv had the food. Mom opens the door and, the three of us yell together in a chorus, “SURPRISE!!!!”

She stood there blocking our entrance, with the expression of shock on her face. She'd both her hands on her cheeks.

“Awww, my baby… I thought you forgot.” She said, looking at me.

Shit! Terrible overacting. I thought. Or, maybe it was just me.

Mother was wearing tight leggings. She didn't even have her panties on. With so much meat on her body, even her camel toe was apparent. On top, she's wearing a deep neck tank top, which was having a hard time concealing her zaftig melons. Although, she was wearing a strapless push-up bra to accentuate her feature and keep her mamillas from showing over the fabric. Both of us had decided that no panties and no bra would be too much.

“Come on in…” She said, turning around and started to walk, “You could've given me a heads up baby, I made dinner for us.” She complains in a very pleasing voice.

Mother never calls me baby; it wasn't her thing. She would only call me by my name. I loved it a lot. All three of us follow her into the leaving room. She waddles ahead of us just like a duck. Furtively I notice my friend's reaction. Both of their faces were pale; I had never seen them like this before. The deceit was working.

Mother stops by the couch and turns around.

“Have a seat,” She baded all three of us.

“Mommy, this is Yash, and… this is Dhruv,” I introduce them.

Mother smiles at both of them, they greet her with a feeble voice. They sounded like they are afraid of her in a way.

“Do you guys need anything, tea, coffee, cold drink? or water?” She asks them, with a pleasant smile on her face. It was a fake smile, I could tell.

“No,” Yash whimper.

“No, aunty… Umm, ah, I've to go home by ten, so if we could…” Dhruv spoke up to tell his situation.

“Oh, come on… you can stay at our house tonight. Don't you like our house? Isn't our house decent enough?” She bleats.

“But aunty, my parents…” Dhruv spoke up again.

“I can talk to them if you want. Wouldn't it work? It's the first time you have come to our place. I think you should stay here tonight. What about you, Yash?” She looks at him.

“Oh, I… I can stay. I don't have any problem.” Yash blurts out.

Mother had to talk with Dhruv's father to make him stay.

“Should I put on some decent clothes?” Mommy asked me after she handed over Dhruv's phone back to him.

“No, absolutely not… that, that won't be necessary. Right? Right guys?” I ask my friends, glancing at them.

Dhruv shakes his head in no, first. But Yash was shaking his head in a Yes. Then both shake their head in a Yes.

“Won't be necessary,” Yash says.

“Yes,” Dhruv said.

“Alright, then… I'd bring you a plate for the cake. We can have dinner whenever you feel hungry.” She looks at them and then leaves for the kitchen wobbling her bottom for them.

When she leaves the room, Dhruv and Yash look at each other and then at me. Both of them were clueless and speechless. I smile, and both of them smile back at me clumsily. I could see beads of sweat on both of their foreheads, even though the AC was on.

Mother returns with a huge silver plate, a knife, and a matchbox. She sits the silver plate on the tea table. Instead of sitting on the empty couch, mother kneels right in front of us next to the table. I take the cake out of the box and put it on the plate. Her valley between her mounds was now even more visible than before. Yash gives me the two-digit candles; I put them on top of the cake. The cake said, “Happy Birthday, Mommy.” None of my friends knew my mother's name. I light up the candles. Mommy sits patiently, glancing at the three of us now and then.

“Ready! Make a wish, momma.” I beamed a smile in her direction.

She nodded and closed her eyes. After few seconds, she opens her eyes. She blows the candle, and we start the “Happy Birthday” song in chorus. She looks at us in awe. This time I couldn't tell if it was just an act. Mother cuts a slice of the cake and holds it in her hand. She reaches out for me over the table, urging me to take a bite. I could even see her brazier now.

She offered a bite to me, then Yash, and then Dhruv. She eats the rest gracefully. She wipes her finger with tissue paper and stands up. She comes round the table's corner and looks at me with pride and gratitude.

“Happy birthday, Mom,” I utter.

“Thank you, baby,” She said and, hugs me tight. I look at Yash and Dhruv over her shoulder. I try to smile, but overwhelmed, by emotions I couldn't. It was a hug that I needed from her for a very long time. At that moment, I disremembered our charade. She kisses my cheek, and whispers “How am I doing?”

“Very good,” I whisper with a choked voice.

It was just an act for her. It was just me who thought we were having a moment. She breaks off the hug and turns around. Yash extends her hand for a handshake, greeting her with a birthday wish.

“Oh, come on… Yash, you're just like my son. Come here…” She spreads her arms for him. Mother did the same with Dhruv as well. After the hugs, both were blushing and flustered. She even kissed them on the cheeks.

Predestinately for her, I was just the same as my friends. A plaything.

We all get seated back on the couch. But my mother being a tease, takes a seat on my lap.

“Are you guys hungry now? or should we wait?” She asked them.

“Whatever you say, Aunty.” Said Dhruv.

“Yes, whenever you feel like it.” Said Yash.

“Please don't call me Aunty, Dhruv. It makes me feel very; old. I treat Ishaan just like a friend. Didn't you tell them about our relation, baby?” She looks at me; our faces are mere inches apart.

“Sorry, Mom… I forgot to mention that.” I smile.

“You can call me Amrita. I would like that.” She looks back at them.

After that, we had a conversation about how's our school life. How long we've been friends. What are their hobbies, do any of us smoke or have a girlfriend, etcetera. I asked her about sleeping arrangements, just like we'd planned. She suggested that she's an extra mattress in her bedroom. We can use that and mine, put it on the floor in the hall. Hall is the room where we've our television. She suggested we can stay up late and watch anything we want. Afterward, we moved into the hall. Soon we have had our dinner without anything super-exciting to share. Except for the bits when she'd flaunt her assets in front of them, acting all innocent.

We were watching Netflix later that night. The mother told them if they need anything, then they can ask for it. She gave them a green card to visit her bedroom anytime they want. Around 11:15 at night. Mom told us that she's going to the rooftop for a walk. She will be back soon. We were in the endgame now.

Five minutes later, I asked my friends to go to the roof as well. Dhruv being lazy at first, but he agreed as well. When we were ascending the stairs, I told them I'd forgotten my phone; they should keep going. Immediately I sent a message to mother.

She's supposed to be standing by the rooftop's entrance. Pretend to talk with someone overcall. She had even prepared a brief script. The script goes like this, “Please, Nikhil, try to understand. My son has his friends over at home. Even I want you inside me right now, but my son's surprise. I swear I'll make it up to you the next time. Okay, fine. I'll let you cum inside my pussy I swear.” That's just what I can recall at the moment.

After that, she's supposed to turn around and face them with a shock. Ask them what they're doing up there. And, pretend like she thinks they haven't heard a thing she just said.

I received a text from her, it said. “They're not here.”

Our plan didn't go as expected. I was feeling stupid. I went back towards the stairs that's when I saw Dhruv and Yash descending the stairs hurriedly.

“What happened? why are you coming back?” I pretend to be calm.

Both of them looked at each other and then back at me. As if deciding on what to tell me.

“Nothing, we should go back and come later,” “Your mom is planning to eff somebody,”

Dhruv and Yash spoke at the same time. It was Yash who said the latter.

“What the eff… Are you mad?” I scream at Yash, “How can you…”

“What's going on, baby?” Mom said, descending the stairs.

“It's nothing, Aunt… Amrita, nothing…” Responded Yash.

“I'm going to my bedroom; you guys have fun.” She said and disappeared inside the house.

“How dare you speak about my mother like that?” I scolded Yash suppressing my voice.

“But, Ishaan, It is the truth… ask him.” Yash points at Dhruv.

Dhruv nodded his head fervently in acceptance.

I stood there staring at them in disbelief.

Yash and Dhruv told me about everything they overheard while Mommy was busy on her call. Fortunately, it was dark on the rooftop, so I didn't have to worry about giving away our plan with my expressions. I just kept mum, clueless on how to handle them from here on onwards. Three of us remained silent for a while.

“She's just lonely,” I mumble after a while, trying to justify her actions.

I tell them about how she's been alone ever since I can remember. I never met my Dad or knew who he was. Neither she ever likes to talk about him. They didn't say anything after that. We came back down to our mattress on the floor.

I received a text from my mother, asking me if everything was going according to our plan. I told her so far; it is going great. She asked me to visit her in the bedroom. I told my friends; I'll be back in few minutes.

When I went into the bedroom, she'd changed into her gown. But it wasn't a transparent one, just small in size. She asked me to tell her everything. So I did briefly summed up the recent conversation. Right when I was about to leave her bedroom. She stopped me, holding my hand.

“Ishaan, Mommy is very proud of you.” She mumbled.

“Thanks, Mom,” I said.

When I returned, Dhruv and Yash were talking with each other, probably about my mother. But the moment I arrived, they stopped talking. I felt ashamed and embarrassed, was also feeling sad for some reason. I kept thinking about how this day would change our friendship and my relationship with my mother. After few more minutes, I pretend to fall asleep; as part of our plan. I feel one of them get off the mattress, and soon another one gets off as well after a while. They were probably in her bedroom. I wait for them to come back, soon I fall asleep. But this time, for real.

The next day I woke up, my friends were gone. I sprint towards Mommy's bedroom and hear the shower running from her bathroom. I sat on her bed, waiting impatiently.

She comes out of the bathroom just like the day she was born. But I was so eager to find out if anything took place last night, I blurt out. “What happened last night, Mommy?”

Only after I blurt out, I saw how beautiful she looked especially, without any clothes.

“Easy boy, easy…” She cooed.

Wiping her body with a towel, she opens her wardrobe. My eyes got fixed on her bare bottom. It was looking even more animated than usual.

“Did you got eff…”

“No, Don't be silly, Ishaan.” She curtly interjects.

I sat in silence, waiting for her to tell everything whenever she feels ready. Mother puts on her Panty and sits next to me on the bed. She keeps staring at me. I could see her face trying to hold back a smile.

“So?” I ask.

“I invited them to my room once when you fell asleep. Dhruv was checking me out when I was rubbing the lotion off my thighs. I called him in and then the other guy as well. I asked them about what they heard on the rooftop. They lied at first, but they gave in. They said you're unaware of what they heard on the rooftop. I asked them to keep it a secret between just three of us, not to tell you or any other friend at school. I told them they'd receive compensation if they do as I told them to. They could have asked me for anything, but Yash just asked me for my contact number and if he could send me messages on WhatsApp. I shared my phone number with both of them. And I asked them to leave.” She summarized the events from the last night.

“That's it?” I ask incredulously. For some reason, I felt relieved by the summary she just gave me.

“Yepp,” She responds.

“What now?” I ask.

“Will see…” She mumbles and starts putting on the rest of her clothes.

Her phone chimes. She received a message from a WhatsApp group named “House No. 243.”

She picks up her phone, unlocks the screen, and shows me the message. It was from Dhruv, it said, “Do you like non-veg jokes, Amrita?”

My friends never talked to me about my mother again. But our friendship was strong than ever. They would call me or speak to me more often than usual. On the other hand, my mother became more distant. She'd refuse to hug me or let me lick her. Mother would often read me the jokes my friends have sent to her. I've heard all of them before, but for her, everyone was a new one.

After two weeks, my mother came into my bedroom at night. There was not a single shred of clothing on her body. She told me that they asked her to go out with them for a movie.

“What do you think I should do, Ishaan?” She asked me.

“It won't make any difference if I tell you my opinion,” I grumble.

“Are you angry at me?” She lies down right next to me.

“No, I'm not.” I lied.

“You can't fool me, Ishaan. I'm your mother.” She enunciated.

“I'm not lying, Mommy,” I repeated.

She didn't respond for a while but put her index and middle fingers on my upper lips right under my nostrils. Her fingers smelled like her leather cheerio. She had my kryptonite.

“You want some more?” She said as she felt my heavy breaths on her fingers. Then she rubs her fingers on my lips with erotic consideration.

“Yes, Momma,” I cooed, grazing my lips on her fingers.

She takes aways her fingers and, after a while, puts them back where they're supposed to be, right where I needed them.

“You ready to talk now?” She asked, bringing her melons closer to me.

I shake my head in acceptance.

“Do you think I should go with them?” She charged again.

“I think you should, Mom,” I murmur flatly.

“You think they'll make a move on me this time? In public?”

“How can I tell Momma; you don't even let me read your chat with them,” I said in a slightly energetic yet critical voice, hoping that she might hand me over her phone so that I could read it.

“I told you, Ishaan, it's just the jokes they'd send me, there's nothing much to read, and there're other conversations which I don't want you to see. You should understand this better than anyone.” She lectured.

“Then I think you should go,” I mumble, accepting my defeat, “But you'll have to tell me everything that happens there, okay? Mom.”

“By the way, when exactly are you going to the movie?” I added.

“Tomorrow, when you'll be at school. They're taking sick leaves.” She smiles mysteriously and wraps her palm around my head. Urging me to go down, she turned around and wedged my face between her hindquarters chasm.

I came back home from school around 4:30 in the evening. My friends didn't come to school just like Momma told me. I even texted them on WhatsApp, asking about their health. Dhruv said he has an upset stomach. Yash said he has a fever.

When I arrived, I knew where Momma keeps the key. So I let myself in. It was the afternoon show. I knew she would not be back before 6:30. I go to the kitchen to get some water. She'd left a sticky note on the refrigerator.

The note said: “Ishaan, I've prepared your meal to have it when you are hungry. Please, do not wait for me. I might be late. -Momma. “

WTF is she planning to spend the entire night with them. Is she going to have a threesome? Why didn't she said a word about it to me yesterday? My brain was doing overtime. I could see her motion poster in my head, in the raw form between my friends twisting and turning her head to kiss both of them as they were pounding their way into her.

I felt sad and concupiscent at the same time. I tried not to think much about it, kept myself busy with movies, YouTube and Instagram, had my dinner at 9:08, and then went to bed. I send her a message asking when she would come back. She didn't even read it. I think of calling her, but it might get her furious. Ergo, I don't.

At 9:39, the mother arrives.

“Ishaan, come to my bedroom,” She takes hold of my hand and drags me into her bedroom. I couldn't understand what's going on with her.

“Momma, what happened today? tell no?” I demand.

“Shhhh, later.” She lies down on the bed. Hiking up her Saree, she eliminates her panty forthwith. “Go on, lick me. Don't stop until I cum.”

I didn't question her this time. She peaked in fifteen minutes. She must have been pretty horny for a long time, I thought. It was the first time for me when I'd made her cum all by myself. I wish I could've seen her facial expressions when her body was spasming.

“Now, would you tell me what happened? Why did it take you so long?” I asked, wiping my wet lips and chin with her panty.

She groans and nods her head in a yes.

Mommy tells me her side of the story.

It took her a while to figure out what to wear for the special day. She didn't want to disappoint my buddies. Finally, she decided to go with the glittery Bluish dark color saree. She always loved it when she's the reason for turning heads in public.

On-time she asked them to meet her at the mall. Dhruv had already booked the tickets from the second last row. Dhruv couldn't manage to get the final row or the corner seats. But not many people were interested in the movie. Most of the seats were unoccupied when they get into the theater. Dhruv and Yash were both pretty uncomfortable on their way in because of how people were staring at them. They weren't familiar with those judging stares, but Mommy was enjoying it a lot.

Once it got dark in the theater, the boys were sitting, keeping their hands to themselves. They were waiting for the other one to make the first move. They couldn't communicate with each other now that Mother was seated between them.

“You know it has been four years since I've seen a movie in a theater with someone. I've had some unforgettable experiences related to that. It seems you two don't have any experience at all.” She said.

Now that mother was talking, both of them were leaning on her. She does not have to be loud and disturb other audiences. Dhruv was the smart one; he understood what she wants. He touched her hand. She just smiled at him. Yash saw Dhruv holding her hand, and since he was the bold and daring one. He takes her other hand, puts it on his thigh, tenderly moving it against his schlong, brushing it against the back of her hand.

“How long have you been hard?” She whispered to Yash.

“Ever since I saw you today,” Yash told her with heavy breaths, he was squirming in his seat.

She starts to caress his bulge over his pants.

That's when my buddies received a text from me enquiring about their health. Yash had his phone on silent. Dhruv showed my message to Mom.

“Why don't you tell him you're with me?” She teases him, caressing him as well.

“Are you serious? You said anything to him about this?” Dhruv asked, extending his arm to touch her thighs.

“No,” She slapped his hand, “Not a word.”

Dhruv pulled back his hand. Yash saw the slap. He decided to keep his hand to himself as well.

Dhruv responded to my message and told Yash to checkout his messages as well. He responded too.

“Why are you so hard?” Momma asked Dhruv.

“Because, because… You're touching it.” Dhruv whispered.

“I thought we are just friends,” She teases.

“There is no trouble with some benefits,” Dhruv leans closer, trying to kiss Mommy. Mommy complied; both of them start kissing silently. Mommy was first to employ her tongue, Dhruv was hesitant.

Yash kisses her bare shoulder blade. She turns; they share a kiss a well. She was now feeling turned on wanted to rip off her clothes and ask them to have their way with her. She decides to keep them waiting, not to show how easily they can get her to spread her legs.

She didn't let them touch her for the rest of the movie. It was because if she'd have had, then she might not be able to control herself. She would caress their shaft, kiss them often. That was pretty much it.

The movie was over by 7:00. My buddies come out of the mall. Both of them had disappointed facial expressions.

“Didn't you enjoy the movie?” Mother asked. She's aware of the actual reason.

“It wasn't as good as I expected,” Dhruv said.

“Efff, the movie… I want to eff you. Right now,” Yash told Mommy boldly.

It made her feel so good about herself. She thinks of just kneeling in front of yes and let eff of her mouth. It's what she wanted to hear from them.

“That's not going to happen. I'm your friend's mother. And that won't be the right thing to do.” She was obnoxiously illogical but managed to convince them with her way of dialogue delivery.

Now both of their faces look even sadder.

“Let's take a walk…” She told them.

They start to walk alongside her. It was already dark, except for the street lights and lights coming from the talk buildings and shops. Something was brewing in her head.

“Maybe we can take the middle ground.” She said, halting next to a dark side street.

“What do you mean?” Dhruv asked, bewildered.

“See that side street,” She gestured with her chin towards it, “Let's go in there. I'll help you two release your pressure.”

They still didn't understand what exactly she had in her mind. But both of them were embarrassed about being naked with each other, even if it's dark. They weren't ready for it yet. It would've been a lot easier if they were strangers to themselves.

“What if anyone….” Dhruv spoke.

“One of you can be the lookout.” She interjected.

“Oh..” Dhruv said, feeling relieved.

“Who wants to go first,” She asked.

Dhruv and Yash look at each other, then at her and said together, “I will go first.” Then they look at each other again in unbelief.

Dhruv was the first who dared to kiss Mommy. She decided to take his care first.

“Yash, you be the lookout… come on, Dhruv.” She said.

All three of them looked around. When no one was looking, Dhruv and Mommy went in.

“Take it out,” She commands.

Dhruv was hesitant but couldn't risk ruining the chance. He takes out his schlong. She pulls him onto herself, with her back against the wall. His schlong pressed against her belly.

“I am not going to touch it. I'll only assist you.” She said.

Dhruv takes hold of it without any complaint and starts stroking.

“Such a bad boy you're…” Mommy teases him. They start to kiss. Mommy leads his other hand onto her bosom, urging him to squeeze. He does.

She starts to whisper dirty talks to him like a streetwalker. Every single sentence which she said to him pushed him closer to the edge. Within five minutes, Dhruv was shooting his loads all over her belly. She told him to send in Yash. When Dhruv is gone, she wipes a tiny bit of his load off her abdomen and tastes it. She wipes her belly clean with her handkerchief before Yash arrives. Yash lasted longer than Dhruv and won the competition by a margin of three minutes.

After that, she offered them to have dinner with him. They stop by at a restaurant. They mostly talked about if she'd ever let them go any further. What if I found out about her deeds. She dodged all of their questions. She was ready to leave after dinner, but my buddies requested her to stay longer. They sit at a park and keep offering their gratitude.

In the end, she kissed them once more and took a cab for home.

After the movie date with my buddies, Mother seemed to be happier than I'd seen her in the last few years. As if her boring life has suddenly become enjoyable. She would often kiss me in the morning and at night. We would even cuddle every night. Maybe it was just a way of thanking me for bringing my friends to her, or maybe, just maybe. Finally, she was also feeling the emotional connection between us which was missing ever since I can revive.

On upcoming Wednesday my friends didn't come to school. I knew Mother would not hide anything from me if she's up to something. I text her the update. She speculated that they would pay a surprise visit to her in my absence. I asked her what is she going to do if they show up.

“Let them come. I've something in mind.” She replied.

I texted her to share what she had in mind. Mother didn't respond for half an hour. Later she said, she would tell me everything in detail at night. She even sent me a smiling devil emoticon. It was an anomaly; otherwise, she'd never use emojis.

I grew hard in no time as the imagery of them engaged in erogenous activities overwhelmed my mind. I wanted to jerk off but elect to wait.

When I reach home, Mommy opens the door with a wide simper on her face. She hugs me right then before I could step inside.

“You won't believe what happened today,” She was animated like a young girl this time.

“Why don't you tell me now?” I ask, entering the house and tossing the bag on the couch.

“I couldn't wait either, but I think it'll be best if we talk about it at night…” I'd never seen her so excited before, her exhilaration having the same effects on me.

Around an hour after we had our dinner, I visited her bedroom. Mother was chatting with someone, probably my friends, but she put the phone under the pillow when she noticed me. She smiled at me, scooting over to one side of the bed. I join her and ogle at her face.

“Tell me everything, Maa, don't miss out on any details.”

She shakes her head and pulls mine onto her bosom.

“After you sent me the message, I invited Sudhir immediately. You remember Sudhir no?” She paused.

I didn't remember any names of any of her mates, but I shook my head in agreement.

“Yeah, so then we had a quicky, and he was rough as he always is… I asked him to give me a facial. Remember I didn't respond to you for some time. I was busy with Sudhir at that time,”

“Ohh…” I mumble, looking up at her.

“Just when Sudhir was about to leave, your friends showed up and rang the doorbell. Sudhir did open the door but asking me to attend them. He left because he was in a rush,”

“You were still naked?” I ask promptly.

“Shhh… just listen,”

“Okay,” I mumble.

She caressed my hair and proceeded with her story, “I hadn't even cleaned up my face. My hair was a mess. Panty and brassiere were somewhere on the floor in my room. While leaving, Sudhir told me two young boys are at the door. I shouted from the bedroom, asking them to sit in the living room. Soon, I called them into my bedroom.

I'd wrapped myself with the bedsheet when they come to the doorstep. Both gawk at me as if seen a ghost. I ask, what's all about this surprise visit. Your friends said they missed me and mutually decided to for the surprise visit.

I told them it'd have been better if they had informed me first, as they can see I'd some other plans. I told them that I need a shower and they should wait until I'm back…. “

Scene transitions into flashback

“Why still standing. Please, have a seat.” Mother tells them to sit on her bed, “Don't you think I need a shower?” She asked them, straightening her hair with one hand, holding the sheet over her bosom with the other. Lumps of goo studded her face.

“Maybe you can wait until it dries up,” Yash suggests in an apprehensive voice.

“You look more beautiful this way,” Dhruv attempts to flirt because he was feeling left behind.

“Shut up, boys. I'm feeling embarrassed about all this, I'm sitting naked wrapped in a sheet, and you're fully clothed. It's making me uncomfortable.” Mother complained mischievously.

Dhruv got what she was suggesting. He looked at Yash, who's still not sure. They were both uncomfortable being naked with each other, especially Dhruv. Dhruv whispered something to Yash to explain what he understood.

“We can take off our clothes too if it helps,” Yash blurts out promptly.

Mother blushes for a while.

“Really? Then I think you should.” She bites her lip.

Dhruv was shocked that she was not joking. He again whispered something to Yash. Probably about how he's not sure if they could be naked in the same room.

“Oh, come on,” Yash encourages Dhruv.

“What's the problem?” Mother asked.

Yash looked at her face, then her cleavage, and said, “Dhruv is being shy about getting naked while I'm still in the room,” Yash rats out Dhruv.

“Oh… Maybe you can, if you close your eyes,” Mother proposes a simple solution.

“But, Yash will cheat. I know he will…”

“Forget about that. If we can't see you, then there won't be any fun,” Yash said to Mother.

“Well, I'd let you touch me…” She smiles.

Yash and Dhruv both agreed to be blindfolded; for the sake of touching her body. They've been waiting to hold her melons for so long already. Mother gave them both her Calvin Kline hipsters, which come with a thick strap. Both of them use the strap of their underwear as a blindfold. Both of them take off their clothes once Mother commands.

“Stay exactly where you are… I'm getting out of the sheets,” Mother says and lets go of the sheet. She was soon standing between them.

The mother holds both of their hands and guides them to her busty melon. Boys squeeze her softly at first, and then they began to knead with all the power they could muster. Mother starts to moan.

“Do you want me to suck both of you?” She moans, enjoying their juvenile way of dealing with her bust.

“Yes, Aunty, please…” Both of them said at once.

She kneels between both of them. Holding them in her hands, she starts to flail her gooey face with their boneless barrels. She joins the tips of their mushroom head and swirls her tongue around the swollen heads, stimulating both at once. She sucks and strokes both, alternating from one to another. Dhruv erupts within five minutes, but she held onto him. She takes Yash deep into her throat to reward him for lasting longer. Yash couldn't survive the warmth and pressure he received from her gag reflex.

Scene transitions to the present

“then, we showered together. Both came once more. Soon Yash and Dhruv left.” Mom finished her story.

The welcoming grin which she had on her face when I came home was back on her lips. I was stiff and throbbing, relaxing on top of her. She could feel me pulsate against her belly.

“I wish I were here; to witness all of it,” I mumble as I get off the top and hold my adulthood about to jack it until I climax.

“Ishaan,” She interjected, “Why don't you put it inside me?” She opens her legs up in the air, urging me to take her twat.

To be continued…

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