The Remembrance Scuffle

6 min read
The Remembrance Scuffle's feature image

“Oh, dear lord.. thank you, god you woke up.” Kabir intoned, gleefully staring at Sanjana. Sanjana looks at Kabir with a perplexed countenance; Kabir keeps beaming a passionate smile at her.

“I’m so glad you’re safe honey,” Kabir holds her hand to caress the back of her hand with his thumb.

Sanjana tries getting up on the hospital bed, but her head hurts. She touches her forehead and realizes that her head is wrapped copiously with a roller bandage. The back of her head hurts like she’s an injury that is throbbing incessantly.

“Hush, hush… You shall not try to get up, should rest now…” Kabir pushes her back down against the pillow precautiously.

“Who are you?” Sanjana mumbles indistinctively.

Kabir couldn’t comprehend what she uttered.

“Don’t speak, just rest,” Kabir instructs Sanjana.

“Who am I? And, who are you?” Sanjana asked Kabir. This time she’s loud and clear.

For a brief moment, a smirk dances on the lips of Kabir, but soon her countenance changes into a concern.

“What are you saying, Sanjana? I’m your husband, Kabir. You should get some rest maybe; it is the concussion,” Kabir extends his hand to caress her cheek, but she flinches upon his touch. Kabir pulls back his hand.

“Get some rest, okay? I’ll go see the doctor.” Kabir said as he got up, “You’re going to be all right. I’m here for you. Sanjana.” He lets go of her hand.

Sanjana looks at him apprehensively but nods as she gets it.

Kabir exits the room.

Kabir is a CEO of a pharmaceutical company. His company was working on a drug that was supposed to boost the memory of people. But the experiment turned out to be a total bust, and instead, it had the reverse effect when they tested it on lab rats. The scientist leading the team suggested Kabir; destroy all the drugs they’d been producing in preparation for testing on humans. Kabir did destroy most of it but kept some in the hope they might come in handy someday.

Sanjana was the first human who had consumed the drug. There’s a solid reason behind why Kabir chose Sanjana for it. It wasn’t motivated out of the greater good of humanity or anything, but in the core of his heart, Kabir was lustful for Sanjana ever since he met her first time.

Sanjana was a twenty-seven-year-old woman who’d just gotten married to one of the employees at Kabir’s company. Kabir met her when he threw a party at his place. He had asked his employees to bring a plus one or do not come at all. All the other females in the party were either too old or too ugly for Kabir’s taste. Or if; younger, they’d be wearing modern outfits. Sanjana was the only one who stood out.

Kabir sends away Sanjana’s husband to get drinks for him, and he makes advancement on her. But Sanjana being a loyal wife, refused all his progressions.

Sanjana grew up in a middle-class family with a lot of restrictions. She was good in studies and wanted to have a post-graduate degree, but her father never allowed her to study after graduation. She never did anything in her life but study. The only thing which her mother taught her was how to be a sophisticated and loyal wife. She never knew what she truly deserved or what her body needed.

When Sanjana’s husband was at work, Kabir showed up at her home. He told her everything he thought and wanted to do with her. She politely asked him to leave and promised that she’d need to speak of this incident with her husband. Kabir had a reputation, so she didn’t have any choice.

Until this point, Kabir had always been able to bed the woman or girl he’d ever wanted to, given the fact she’s the wife of one of his employees or employee herself. He hatches a plan to use the dementia drug he had. He had to make her husband leave on a trip or something.

Kabir managed to send him foreign to collaborate with some partner company to be part of some research. As soon as the husband leaves, Kabir sets his plan in motion. He paid a delivery boy to get the drug into Sanjana’s body, and when she faints. He sends a man to pick her up and bring her to the hospital.

At the hospital, the doctor performs surgery on her skull to inflict a fake injury. The doctor later stitches her wound and wraps the bandage all over her head. That’s how all this facade began.

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