Daddy's Princess

4 min read
Daddy's Princess's feature image

This is an emotional plot about a strenuous relationship between a stepdad and daughter.

Sachin, aged 45 has returned home after 8 years. He’s obviously excited to be back home and spend time with his family. Like every father, he’s keen on seeing his daughter (Richa) who has turned 18 couple of months ago. He gets home and is devastated to say the least. His daughter seems to be completely aloof from him and doesn’t show any excitement on her face. He talks to his wife (Priya) and she tells him that he needs to give her some time. Sachin is a bit restrictive in his thoughts while Priya is a bit liberal.

Priya has been managing a small time business since 10 years now. She is a working woman who manages home as well as her business which isn’t doing too great financially. Because of her work commitments she gives her daughter the freedom like any doting mom would. They both share a great bond, but things get hazy when Sachin returns.

Sachin tries to talk it out with Richa who doesn’t care about what he says. She even starts calling him by his name and taunts him. He’s on the verge of losing his calm, but Priya keeps telling him that things will improve with time. The 8 years that he was away start to haunt him all the time.

It's been a month since his return and he sees his daughter going to late night parties with her friends every weekend. Something that comes as a shocker to him. Every time, he tries to say something, Priya keeps telling him that things would get better with time.

The dad/daughter relationship is strenuous to start off with, but there’s something that Richa is unaware of. It’s a plot that is purely emotional so the intimacy will be sensual in nature too.

Here's a start :-

Richa was getting ready for a late night party. “Common Richa jaldi kar, your friends will be here any moment”, she murmured as she looked at herself in her mirror. As she adjusted her dress, she kept looking at the wall clock to ensure she was ready in time.

“F*ck, I hope he doesn’t say anything again”, she said to herself. (She was referring to her dad).

She waved at her mom while she walked towards the living room. She gestured her to come close and when she did, Richa leaned closer and whispered, “Mom I am going to a party. I’ll try to be back by 2 or 3 am as usual, okay?” She then continued on her way towards the door and saw Sachin seated on the couch watching T.V.

Just as she opened the door and was about to step out, she heard Sachin and turned around.

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