Gamble of the Night

Madhavi Roy

January 10, 2022



Gamble of the Night's feature image



  • Sania - 28 32-28-34 a corporate worker at lucrative position.
  • Waitress


Sania pressed the tip of her glass against her lip and took a small sip of piña colada. The sun had started to sink beyond the horizon, leaving the sky above the Arabian sea a shade of scarlet and saffron.

"Inn'it gorgeous?" the waitress whispered in her broken accent as she bent closer to Sania's beach chair.

Sania shook her head lightly in disapproval, and took another sip. "No. But it is splendid. There are more beautiful beaches when you open your eyes to the whole world". As a part of her yearly tour arranged on company bucks, Sania had toured extensively; her favours during the summer tilted towards the beaches. She had rasped her feet with sands from beaches in Europe and USA, but her heart dragged her back to the beaches of her country. The crystal clear seawater in Andaman, the towering waves in Orissa the gentle waves in Chennai, she loved them all. But what attracted her the most was Goa. Once the evening set in, the beaches became a hub of activities. Parties, booze, dances filled the atmosphere with an untamed rhythm.

"So... Ye have no partner around. Would ye be interested in'une?" The waitress whispered with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh. I did not know the hotel offered such services". Sania replied shocked.

"It usually is not, but I know a guy, who knows a guy who discreetly provides our sorts of services. He recruited some working girls like us in the staff". The waitress chirped as she placed a hand on her shoulder with a mild squeeze.

"Not my vice, I am afraid". Sania politely declined.

"Then what is your vice? We indulge all sorts here". The waitress responded.

"Used to be gambling. But when you have a position and the money, it gets less interesting". Sania revealed, surprising herself with the honesty she was indulging with a woman she had met ten minutes ago.

"Some clients enjoy games of chance with forfeits. Maybe we could play one now?"

"Now?" Sania looked at her intrigued.

"Ho'bout we flip a coin? Heads ye do not give a tip, tails I take yer cloth's and watch".

Even the thought of walking back to the hotel wrapped in beach mat got her giddy.

Sania sat up immediately, with all eagerness as the waitress fished out a coin and flipped the coin up in the air. Her heart fluttered as the waitress snatched the coin out of the air and slowly opened her hand. Tails.

Sania blushed as she handed over her dress and the bikini she wore under that. The waitress giggled at the prospect of expensive clothes and the watch. As Sania was about to leave, the waitress interrupted her.

"If you want, I can get you to a place where you can enjoy your vice". She flicked a card at Sania, and bounced away hugging the newly proclaimed prize tight.

The beach was adjacent to her hotel, so she at least had a short way back. But the route back to her room was still fraught with danger. Sania waited till it was dark enough, and then sprinted towards the hotel entrance, clutching the beach mat tightly to her chest.

By the time she had reached her room, Sania was not even trying to hide. She caught her reflection in the mirror, stunned for a second. Her long black hair was usually tied up around the office, so with her hair down and only the mat wrapped around her, set her heart racing. Although embarrassing, the thing that made Sania drop her stomach was the idea of being seen by her co-workers. Drinking in the experience, Sania took out the card that the waitress had given her and took a careful look at it.


The name emblazoned on the card in golden letters.

No address, just the name.

Curious, Sania flipped the card to check the content.

There was a 10 digits number printed in the center of the card.


When Sania got off her uber, for a moment she was confused if it was indeed the correct address. She found herself standing before a cheap bar, with a stall selling cigarettes outside. Baffled, she quickly walked to the cigarette stall and showed the card to the shopkeeper.

The scraggly shopkeeper took a look at the card, then at her and smiled, showcasing his red stained teeth. "Go inside and show the card. You will be led there".

As shabby as it looked outside, the interior was quite clean. The bar owner led her through the backdoor into a much more spacious underground room. Sania was surprised by the aristocracy of the room. There were people of both sexes, gambling at separate tables. Drinks were being served, bets were being placed, laughter and cries echoed in the room. The receptionist drew her attention to a huge billboard hung on the wall, that read Rules.

Sania walked towards the board,checking the rules of the club.

There is no Game club. You do not talk about Game Club to anybody outside this club.

There is no Game club. No digital transaction or card will be acknowledged while inside the club.

Each player will bet something they agree is of equal value.

The challenged has the right to alter the rules.

Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.

Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.

Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

If it is your first night in the Game Club, you have to play.

Sania's chest pounded in excitement. She felt like she was back in her college days again. In the phone call, she was instructed to bring the amount she could be comfortable placing in. Naturally, she brought a limited amount. All she wanted was thrill.

Now all she had to do, was to search for an opponent, and start the game.

Almost responding to her thoughts, the sound of a feminine laughter entered her ears. She turned towards the source of the sound, and found herself facing a crowd of ladies gathered around a table. Their eyes mockingly pinned on a lady who had been shattered to tears, as the other lady jeered proudly in victory. "Too bad. Thank you for your patronage, Mrs. Chadha".

"I.. I.." Mrs. Chadha stammered, clearly at a loss of words.

"I know you are in a bind, but keep your chin up. My little pet".

Sania's feet started moving mechanically towards the table. She had found her opponent.

"I am Mehwish". The lady flicked her hair confidently after Sania introduced herself. "I am the wife of Mr. Altamash Khan, president of Khan Industries. Nice to meet you. Would you like to play a game with me?"

"Definitely". Sania took the spot of Mrs. Chadha, facing Mehwish. Excitement clear in her eyes. "What kind of game are we playing?"

"Ballot Rock-Paper-Scissors. It is a classic for the newbies". Mehwish chimed as two waitresses drew in a ballot box.

"We have twenty ladies around, excluding meand you. First, we have the ladies draw rock, paper or scissors on cards. Second, without showing us they put the cards in the box. We each draw three cards from the box. Then choose one to play Rock Paper Scissors. If it is a draw, we choose a card from the remaining cards and try again. If we both choose same cards three times, it is a draw. That concludes a round. Unlike normal Rock Paper Scissors, you may not have all three options in the game. That brings in the thrill, is it not?"

"It sounds thrilling!" Sania purred excited. "I would very much want to play".

"Okay, that is the spirit. Do you want to change any rule?"

"Hmm…. Can I decide the wager for each round?" Sania grinned.

Mehwish looked surprised at first. But immediately, her eyes gleamed. "Fair enough. Now, let us begin".

"2,000 rupees. Bet". Sania began the game. She drew three cards after the ladies put cards in the ballot box. A slow start is still a good start, she told herself.

Mehwish was correct. In this game, there rarely was a chance to get three separate cards. Since they drew three cards, it was much more common to end up with uneven cards like two rocks and one paper. Two rocks might mean that rock is the most common card in the box. That means, the other person will play a rock is also high, so you would want a paper.

"You decided?" Mehwish looked up from her cards. "We draw at your call".

"Yes". Sania replied. The moment of truth was now. She dragged in a sharp breath, and drew a card.


Scissors came in Mehwish's card.

"Looks like the first win comes to you". Mehwish smiled. "Congratulations".

"Thank you". Sania chirped happily and accepted the money. That was 2,000 rupees win.

"Have you got the gist of the game? Let us keep going". There was encouragement in Mehwish's voice.

"Yes. For the next round, I want to bet 5,00,000 rupees". Sania's voice was calm. The other ladies were surprised. Did she actually bring in this much money?

Mehwish was surprised as well. But it was not upto her to decide the bet. "Fine. Let us draw the cards".

"Yes". Sania nodded.The ladies put a fresh set of 20 cards in the box.


Rock for both.

"Oh. It looks like a draw. Okay, next card then".


Sania's heart skipped as she saw the result. Scissor against rock. Mehwish won 5,00,000 rupees. "Yes! My win!" She squealed happily.

"Oh. I should be a little careful then. Let us try 20,000 again".

"Okay, here we go"


Paper against rock. Sania won this round again. A small breath of fresh air for her.

"As for next round, I want to place all my money that I brought". Sania smirked.

The ladies including Mehwish gasped. As per the third rule, she had to place all the money as wager as well. It was all in.

Sania's body was shaking in excitement. Yes, that is what she was craving. Butterflies fluttered in her guts.

Mehwish looked worried for a moment, but then her eyes flashed shrewdly at Sania. As if she was jeering her already.

She drew three cards from the ballot box.

"Okay, are you ready? Here goes"


Rock to paper. Mehwish's voice was at the top in the entire room. She was sneering menacingly at Sania. "Looks like it is my win, Sania. Too bad. Your first night could not end well".

Sania watched calmly as Mehwish was bathed in glory from the ladies. The ladies were laughing as Sania sat smiling.

"But Mrs. Mehwish, I decide the bet, don't I?" She started talking, choosing her words carefully. "It is the rule. And, I do not remember announcing the end of the game yet".

Mehwish and the others looked at her, stunned as Sania stood up and began to slip her fur coat down.

"Next bet. All my clothes except underwears".

Mehwish and the other ladies blushed red. But, they had no choice. The vet was placed. She stood up as well, and started peeling off her clothes.

One by one, their clothes heaped on the ground, leaving them both in their lingeries. At late 20's, Sania stood a proud 5'2" stature with 32-28-34 stats. Her tanned body drew the attention of several males around.

Mehwish in her late 30's was not to be outdone either, flaunting her curves and 36 DD bust.

As her saree came slid down her body, followed by her blouse, her 5'6" figure stood somewhat modest against Sania. But the 36" waist was everybody's attention. Adorned in a golden necklace and her earrings, she appeared as if an articulate statue was breathed life into.

"The real game begins now". Sania drew three cards from the box.


Paper against rock.

Mehwish moaned in dismay as one of the ladies lifted the pile of clothes away from her feet. Sania did not bother wearing her clothes yet.

"Mehwish, did you think I did not notice?" She stared at Mehwish. Her voice cold as ice. "The voters are in league with you, are they not?"

Mehwish took aback. The ladies started looking at each other. Suddenly, they were silent.

"Based on the votes cast, I do not think they are all cooperating with you. Did you have 5, or to be doubly sure, 10 ladies on your side?"

"What are you-"

"Earlier in the higher bets, you played the same card twice. It would be natural to think something was fishy, is it not? In the lower bets, you tried a different card to diguise your trickery. If you are not prepared to face a loss, stop fooling everybody".

"Stop with your slander". Mehwish protested back. "If you think you can win by calling me for chea-"

"Oh, no no not at all. I would not dream of wasting such an opportunity". Sania purred excited. "The true fun begins now".

Sania crossed her arms. "Next bet, us two. Whoever loses, becomes a pet to the entire club for the night. The members decide to gamble on the loser, and do whatever they want with her''.

Now that Mehwish knew that she had seen through her trickery, she was frustrated. How was she still so calm? Does she think she can win? But that is impossible! Mehwish checked her cards. Two papers. She indeed had 11 voters at her side, deciding either rock or paper. Scissors would be a very rare chance. Meaning, drawing paper ensures full safety. In her mind, Mehwish had guaranteed victory.


Mehwish felt her knees crumble slowly. The ground appeared to be slipping from her feet.

The card that Sania held was Scissors.

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