Generation Gap Chapter I

7 min read
Generation Gap Chapter I's feature image

Mr. Ronit Sharma a 45 years old man who had a wife, Monalisha who's a 42 years old woman. Both of them were lecturers in a college. Monalisha was an extremely dominating character. She has always tried to dominate her subdued husband who was of very soft nature. Even sometimes the students and their colleagues make fun of him behind their backs. Monalisha never loses an opportunity to shun her husband whether at home or in public. Mr. Ronit feels very bad sometimes when he sees even the students like Sunanda, Riya, Swagatha, Gopal etc. giggle looking at his position in the family or in the public.

Talking about their sex life... there's actually nothing between them now. This female Monalisha always stays busy with her work, students, cooking and kitty parties. That's what she loves the most - gossip. And most of the time she will be at her father’s house with her brothers and sisters. They have two teenage daughters who are a little younger than Mona's students who do dominate their father like their Mom.

Mr. Ronit was an introvert and was extremely shy and had no voice in his family or outside. He gets irritated sometimes but stays suppressed to everyone around him. Mr. Ronit had only one outlet to take out his frustration - his facebook friend Rubina. They never share about their real lives though they replicate their true attitudes in their virtual characters. They try to console each other when they are sad and frustrated in real life. Sometimes they take out their frustration by role-playing sex with each other. Rubina was very fond of this man who was her virtual friend, a soft, caring and extremely understanding man. She understands his nature of being succumbed to the dominance of his real life spouse. She never shuns him even once but always lifts him up by her loving dominance. She always tries to bring out that dominant male in him with her loving and sexual persuasion. And one of her persuasions was to meet him in real life and enhance their relationship further. But being a shy, timid and subtle introvert he kept on denying her request.

But one day they decided to meet each other in real life. It was the day when Mr. Ronit was extremely depressed and tormented by Monalisha, he accepted Rubina's request. But they wanted to meet with each other without describing how they look. They decided that they will try to recognise each other with the little knowledge they have about each other.

The date and time was fixed. It was a Saturday when they decided they will meet in a Cafe Coffee Day at 5 PM. Rubina told him that she will be wearing a Red frock and Ronit told her that he will be wearing a Blue T-Shirt. When he reached the CCD he saw a girl sitting facing her back towards the main entrance with a Red frock. And he walked towards her; reaching there he called out her name, "Rubina?"

The girl turned immediately with a beautiful smile on her face thinking her role partner had arrived but when she saw his face, her jaw dropped in utter shock and her smile vanished.

"Swagatha... You?" He asked. He was shocked to see his wife's student who used to laugh at him along with all others always.

"Sssir... yyou?" She stammered as she asked in utter shock and terribly scared.

The room was filled with an awkward silence. Both stood still, dumbstruck. Ronit being the shy one, was embarrassed to the core and Swagatha couldn't think of anything so she stood up and started to walk away, when suddenly Ronit stopped her. Breaking the silence, he said, "this is the least expected scenario I ever dreamt of " with a funny smile on his face. Out of obligation, Swagatha smiled back.

"Since we are already here, why not have a cup of coffee?!!" Ronit said.

"Sure, why not! I'll have a latte" she said.

"So, Facebook sucks!! Right..!?" Something about the way he said it made both of them crack a laugh. Sipping their coffee, they refreshed all the conversations they had over the time on FB and enjoyed them, making things a bit lighter between them.

Ronit, in spite of being always demoralised by his family, channelled his frustration, and did loads of workout. He had maintained his body. Not the six pack abs kind, but still not flabby and shabby. He was tall, dusky, bearded and handsome with big broad shoulders and wide chest. And Swagatha too, on the other hand, was slim yet curvy, tall, curly brown hair, big brown eyes and a beautiful mesmerising smile. And all of a sudden, their fingers brushed against each other and just like that, their eyes met. They smiled. And this time that smile was different. It was care with just a touch of love.

Though Swagatha didn't literally apologise for her past behaviours towards him, it was understood how guilty she was feeling about what she did. The one thing that was in their minds was all the sexting they had done - Ronit's passionate words, Swagatha's virtual moans, and the heat between them during those sessions. It melted their hearts and minds for each other, forgetting the issues they had previously. But since it was their first meeting, none of them wanted this particular topic to be discussed. So they decided to meet again soon. They parted ways, happy, just the opposite of the way they felt when they met that evening.

That night, all they could think about was how the age gap didn't matter and how much they loved each other's company and how they couldn't wait to see each other again.

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