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Posts from Robin Dev

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The Accused


He felt suffocated as the cops held him tight on the ground with one of them strangling him with a wooden baton pressing on his neck. He grunted and groaned in pain as they captured him and pushed him into the dark cold cell, locking the iron gate. Fallen on the cold floor of the cell, Rohtesh writhed in pain before he managed to get up gathering all his strength and dragged his ass till, he reached the wall so that he could sit down resting his back.

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The Guardian


He is the happiest man in the whole world to see his beloved marrying her choicest man. He watched them walking down the stairs after the wedding. They walked towards him as she was ecstatic to see him. He had that beautiful gentle smile on his face as he waited for her to come near him and flung her arms around him to hug him tight. “I am so happy… So so happy, my guardian.”

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The Survivor's fate


Ayden Roy got back his consciousness and found himself in a thatched hut. He tried to get up but he could not. "Arrgghhh fucckk", he writhed in pain. He was lying on a log of wood, carved like a bed. And for comfort there was hay on it, underneath his body. He looked around wondering where he was and who put him like this. Was he a captive of the criminals? He could not understand. He tried to sit up again resting on the left arm elbow but he failed and fell flat on the hay. And he saw a scantily clad black woman walked in the hut uttering the words that were beyond his imagination and understanding. But from her expression he could make out that he was in safe hands as she came close to him and caressed his forehead, pulled him up to sit down, resting his back on the wooden plank kept behind him on that piece of wooden log. While doing so she didn’t even bother if his face was clasped between her huge soft bosoms. He kind of felt safe with that gesture from her.

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The New Neighbours


Arushi was excited to see a family occupying the flat adjacent to theirs after almost a year's time. It was a small family of only two women, a 42-year-old mother, Sugandha and her 18-year-old daughter, Pranita.

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Online Lover's Dilemma


The more and more they played with each other, the more they fell for each other. It was not just about RP life but a life they want to live out together even in real life. They met online on Facebook a year back. They never wanted to be in a relationship but played with each other the most. They wanted it to be absolutely virtual but human emotions play a bigger role to unite two hearts forever. It happened the same with them too. They could not resist anymore. Their feelings for each other were on the edge and they wanted to meet each other and know about each other in real life.

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My Name Is Hope


’"My name is Hope." She started and smiled mocking about something which was not very clear till she continued further. "But that day, I realised how hopeless my condition was..." She paused for a moment to gather herself and control the overwhelming emotions that were choking down her throat. "It all started when I and my sister, Haley went to the mall for shopping. Haley was 6 years older to me. She was a rebellious teenager while I was a very obedient girl to our parents. She was 21 and I was only 15. She promised to take me with her for shopping. My breasts were still small and they never needed anything to raise them up until now. My Mom asked my sister to buy a pair of brassiere for me so that I don't draw other's attention. Haley had a good laugh teasing and mocking me but took me with her to the mall. She negotiated with the lady in the mall and the lady took me in to the trial room to check which size fits me well. And unfortunately, I ended up buying the smallest of all.’

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Royal Wedding


The wedding arrangements between the mighty king Wulfhere of Mercia and the most beautiful princess Ariana of Wessex went on with full speed as all the people of both the regions were very happy to have the peace treaty signed by both the kings after 20 years of enmity and bloodshed between them.

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Robo Love


Dr. Ehlana Blake, the famous robot scientist was excited to unveil her invention: a male robot which can interact with human beings with its programmed emotions, be a life time friend to them and satisfy women without stopping with its fed sexual skills. She had been labouring after this project of hers for the last 3 years constantly without going out leaving her laboratory even for a day. All she wanted was a personalized companion for herself alone. She had left her first boyfriend when she was just 20 years old. The reason was, he was extremely possessive about her. Then for next 7 years she had many affairs, heart breaks, abortions etc. And finally she got married to a wealthy man who fell in love with her and gave her everything he had. Her dream was to be a scientist and Mr. Blake put all his wealth and strength for her to be one. But alas, Ehlana left her husband after 10 years of their marriage and this time the reason was different, she was not satisfied with Mr. Blake sexually. Mr. Blake died after two years of their separation, leaving his property in Ehlana’s name as he had nobody in this world of his own. Ehlana worked hard day and night under a few senior scientists for the next 5 years till she could finally set up her own laboratory. She was 42 years old then.

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Return of The Last King


There were two such archeological sites in the north eastern part of India in North Bengal which became quite talked about sites in the early January of the year 2020. The issue was such that it challenged the pride and prestige of the state for which the state govt decided and requested the center to keep it extremely confidential for the sake of the state, as well as for the country's pride. Thus, the famous historian and archeologist of West Bengal, Mr. Anushankar Bhattacharjee was given the responsibility of research and excavation with much confidentiality. He was promised adequate resources - both human and financial.

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Night Shift


While walking on the stairs leading to her room, Anannya giggled remembering how desperate Mr. Ray was this morning. She unlocked the door and entered her room and stood in front of the mirror. She blushed looking at her own reflection. She adjusted her hair tucking them behind her ears, and swung left to right watching herself. She even cupped her breasts with her both palms and raised them thinking whether she was looking good enough or not when she was with Mr. Ray a few minutes back.

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Generation Gap Final Chapter


Two beautiful people were sleeping, hugging each other. There’s something very pure and innocent to look at them. But the depravity of life and the most sensual hour of the morning have their roles to play… Play with absolute finesse.

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Generation Gap Chapter III


When unexpected things happen, one's heart flutters. The butterflies in their stomach fly up to their mouth to kiss. The stars glitter in their eyes, and can see the whole cosmos with their eyes closed.

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