Royal Wedding

11 min read
Royal Wedding's feature image

The wedding arrangements between the mighty king Wulfhere of Mercia and the most beautiful princess Ariana of Wessex went on with full speed as all the people of both the regions were very happy to have the peace treaty signed by both the kings after 20 years of enmity and bloodshed between them.

Mercia and Wessex were allies previously to stand against the mighty Danes invading their territories time and again. The mighty Wulfhere, the son of king Edmund had always stood as a wall against the Danes to protect Wessex. Wulfhere was a 25-year-old young handsome man then and was in charge of his father's mighty army. But something happened in between which breached the relationship between both the kingdoms and they became hostile to each other. It all started when the mighty Wulfhere interfered with the matters of king Egbert of Wessex and his wife, the queen Sarah. King Egbert was an extremely wicked man and had been abusing his wife in many ways. While trying to help the queen Wulfhere had fallen in love with her and they both had illicit love affairs with each other that ultimately destroyed the peace forever.

King Edmund was troubled because of the whole issue between his son and king Egbert which not only affected the political scenario between two kingdoms but invited barbarians and other European kingdoms to invade their territories. As a team Wessex and Mercia were invincible but separated, they were exposed to foreign enemies. They had to struggle with blood and wars all the time since then. King Edmund was old and died within five years after their separation from Wessex, leaving a heavy burden of his kingdom on the mighty yet inexperienced shoulders of his son Wulfhere. Wulfhere was a warrior but without his father's political and diplomatic discretion he felt vulnerable and disoriented in front of the wicked schemes of king Egbert and outside enemies. But the good thing was, Wulfhere had a heart to learn and despite of being such a valiant warrior he was humble. He chose intelligent people to be his wise counsellors in his court to guide him rule his territory for himself and for his people of Mercia.

Later, to gain political alliance he got married to a woman and had children but it was difficult for him to concentrate on his marriage as there was no recession from wars and bloodshed for him. Instead of a palace he spent most of his life in war camps.

But after 20 years when he decided to demolish Wessex and punish king Egbert by befriending foreign alliances, the wicked king of Wessex offered something to Wulfhere that literally blew his mind.

"We fought a lot, lost a lot. Why can't we be allies again and stay in peace as we were before? I lost my wife because of you, but I have forgotten it and forgiven you for that event happened in the past. And I offer you my daughter to be your wife and bring peace between our kingdoms." The messenger read out the letter of king Egbert in king Wulfhere’s court. And the most surprising fact was that king Egbert sent his daughter Ariana, the princess of Wessex with the messenger to the court of Mercia. Her beauty was extraordinary and out of the world. She was a gorgeous and sensual young woman who can take any one’s breath away. She was so irresistible that Wulfhere couldn't take his eyes off her and he agreed to the proposal offered by king Egbert. He had a long talk with Ariana, the princess of Wessex. He was a womaniser as most kings were but he didn't touch Ariana even a bit. His heart was overwhelmed by seeing the serenity reigning on her persona. Before letting her go back to her kingdom, Wulfhere gave her gifts of all kinds as he was allured to her in every way.

And soon the wedding date was fixed.

Wulfhere was excited to meet and unite with the woman, the princess of Wessex with whom he actually fell in love in real sense. It was already time for him and a few others in his court to set out to Wessex for the wedding ceremony which was about take place. The mighty warrior was dressed majestically for his wedding. He was very excited and joyous, not only to get united with the princess but brining peace between both the kingdoms, stopping the blood shed forever. But as he was about to walk out of his palace, one of his arms men came in to his room and informed him that an old man wanted to see him urgently. Wulfhere was getting late for his ride to Wessex but the urgency in the tone of the old man made him to listen to him first.

"Who are you, old man and what do you have to tell me?" Wulfhere looked into his eyes as he enquired.

"My lord, I am a simple peasant from the kingdom of Wessex. And I..." He replied but was interrupted by Wulfhere.

"Wessex? Have you come to spy here?" He asked sternly.

"No, my lord. I came here to unburden myself from a secret that I have been carrying for the last twenty years." The old peasant clarified.

"Hmm, go on. I am listening." Wulfhere was puzzled and was eager to learn what this old man had to share.

"My lord, the whole world knows that our ex-queen Sarah was lost in the woods and was never found afterwards. But that was not the truth." The peasant said with a tinge of sadness reflecting on his face.

"What's the truth then... don't stop. Be quick. I am in a hurry." Wulfhere said impatiently.

"Don't be in a haste, my lord. Just listen to me fully." The old man said again.

"What do you mean?" Wulfhere asked.

"Because the truth was such. Our queen Sarah was brutally murdered by king Egbert for carrying a baby in her womb. When he came to know that she was pregnant, he was furious and she ran away from the palace into the woods escaping from his wrath. But the king sent his men to kill her and the baby growing in her womb. It was I, who gave her shelter till she delivered a baby girl. But destiny had different plans for her. Once she was out in the woods in search of little fresh air, the soldiers of Wessex found her and slit her throat right there. They searched for the baby but they could not find me or the baby. I escaped from my hut and went deeper into the jungle with the baby." The peasant paused for a moment as he was getting emotional.

Wulfhere could not believe what he heard. He was enraged listening to what the old man just shared. His heart was pounding and he impatiently waited for the old man to continue, "What did you do with the baby?"

"I reared the baby for the next 15 years before falling prey to greed and fear. Once the king was in the woods with his wife and arms men for hunting. He unfortunately found me and the girl in the jungle picking up dried wood planks. The girl was a royal child and it was difficult to hide her aura from the king and the wicked queen. He interrogated me and threatened me of my life. I had no option but to tell him the whole truth. He was about to kill the girl and me right away but king's second wife, the present queen stopped him to do so and plotted a scheme to use her against you, my lord. Because..." The old man paused, lowering his head.

"Because what...? Who is Ariana? Is she not king Egbert and his second wife's daughter?" Wulfhere was restless.

"No, my lord. Princess Ariana was your daughter, the gorgeous woman you were about to get married." The old man said with a shaken voice.

"Why the hell you're telling me all these after so many years?" Wulfhere clenched his fists in distress.

"I was threatened and was trapped by king Egbert and the present queen who was extremely wicked. They had intentions to reveal this secret only after the wedding and put you into trouble and shame in front of all others, especially your own people of Mercia. But I could not hold back the secret any more. Because the spirit of queen Sarah tormented me, day and night for the last one year. And today, I gathered my courage finally to come this far and reveal everything." He paused for a moment and then continued again, "and if you are thinking of calling off this marriage and claim her back then you should know that Ariana will be given either to a barbarian beast or tortured to death like her mother, queen Sarah. Now it is only you who can do something quickly before things go out of your hand, my lord" The old man was relieved yet was tired and drained out completely.

But Wulfhere was lost in thoughts. He fell in love with his own daughter without being aware of that fact. He was struggling with mixed feelings about Ariana but more than that he was wondering how to rescue Ariana from that mad wicked dog, Egbert.

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