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Posts from Deepali Singh

The Scandulous Prints

The Scandulous Prints


Rahul was beginning to regret the decision of taking up the offer of being at this remote place for the meet. But he was a journalist and the prospect of meeting the lady whose misadventures he had researched for so long was too alluring for him to reject.

Dirty Politics

Dirty Politics


"May I come in madam?"....Rustom asked....knocking at the door...on which the name plate read....."Chief Minister - Paschim Pradesh" "Yes, please come in"....Renuka said...sitting on her chair..

Game of control

Game of control


It has been just a week since Divyani got married to the royal family of Sundarnagar. She was only 20 years old but did not have much say in the decision of her marriage. If she had her say then she would definitely have wanted to pursue her studies, but instead she is now having to remain confined to the inner section of the large but aged palace.

Royal Secrets

Royal Secrets


It has been just a week since Divyani got married to the royal family of Sundarnagar. She was only 20 years old but did not have much say in the decision of her marriage. If she had her say then she would definitely have wanted to pursue her studies, but instead she is now having to remain confined to the inner section of the large but aged palace.

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