Fiction Roleplay Plots

Rise of Profligacy's feature image

Rise of Profligacy

#nsfw, #superNatural, #tribe

Dhruv got off the safari van and looked at the river Mrigaya just in front of him. The river was not more than 100 meters in width. There was an extensive forest covering the earth like a black green sheet. He could see it from the higher ground. The sun already sank below the horizon a while ago, drawing the curtain of semi-darkness. It created a horribly beautiful scenario from his point of view. The view was so fascinating and alluring for an adventurous mind.

Concealed Felicity's feature image
FictionAge Gap

Concealed Felicity

#nsfw, #stepMom, #deepThroat

"I am not going to live for long." Nirupama said, with a blank stare. That took Soham a bit by surprise. He took a few seconds to digest what he heard. Nirupama seemed to be serious with regards to what she just said. Soham looked at her....she seemed to be perfectly fact she looked better than how he had seen her before.....and sexier too.....though he tried to tell himself that he should not be thinking of her like that.....but it was difficult to control the thought....and may be it was not her would be difficult for any man not to have lascivious desires for the gorgeous woman sitting in front of him.

The Scandulous Prints's feature image

The Scandulous Prints

#nsfw, #politicalDrama

Rahul was beginning to regret the decision of taking up the offer of being at this remote place for the meet. But he was a journalist and the prospect of meeting the lady whose misadventures he had researched for so long was too alluring for him to reject.

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Expect The Unexpected

#nsfw, #roleplayPrompt, #emotional

Anagha, the 25 year old practically thinking girl was escorted to her husband’s room. It was her wedding night and her friends were the only support she had during this wedding phase. Anagha wasn’t ready for this marriage, but she had no one else to blame, but herself. As she sat on the bed, she could hear her friends trying to cheer her up, but her mind wandered. She didn’t even realize when they left while she sat there all alone. Whenever she heard footsteps outside the door, her heart would skip a beat. After a few minutes, the hustle and bustle died down. She could sense there was pin drop silence in the room. She wanted to cry, but controlled her tears. The more she thought about the situation she was in, the more it reminded her of him.

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The Penance

#nsfw, #lockdown

It was a weekend and Covid had just begun to subside. After a long gap of a year and a half, both the college friends were excited to continue with their weekend jog together. After finishing the first round of 30 minutes, both of them sat on a bench, taking deeper breaths.

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The Corporate Mess

#nsfw, #corporateLife, #revenge

This is a plot that I had been wanting to write for a long time now but couldn't think of how to shape this up. Finally, I do have a start. I would love to hear your comments on how I could make this better. I have taken traits from real life scenarios, which I have heard and seen in 20 years of my professional tenure.

GOAT - Greatest of All Time's feature image
FictionAge Gap

GOAT - Greatest of All Time

#nsfw, #adventure, #village

Hari Ram was a nineteen-year-old boy who was living alone by himself. His father left him and his mother when he left for Mumbai and got himself a daily wage job. After that, the father never returned to their village. Hari Ram's mother passed the very last year.

The Risky Enticement's feature image

The Risky Enticement

#nsfw, #fiction

Laila's family had only been gone for a few hours and she was already tired. She never worked so hard before. She prepared the food for the animals in their farm, she bathed the goats, collected all the eggs from the chicken coop, collected the bundles of hays in put them in the cowshed. Then She was out in the pasture and checking on the cows, when she noticed one of them behaving strangely. Not very much strangely though. Hopping the fence, she walked in. that cow was gazing like other cows but it was tossing its head very often, like there was any fly bothering it.

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The Mutation

#dog, #beasility

Nandini was a divorcee living alone in a town close to a hill station. She was a tourist guide by profession. Life wasn't always like this for her. During her college days, she fell in love with one of her professors. The professor took advantage of her. The innocent Nandini thought he was going to marry her.

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The Accused


He felt suffocated as the cops held him tight on the ground with one of them strangling him with a wooden baton pressing on his neck. He grunted and groaned in pain as they captured him and pushed him into the dark cold cell, locking the iron gate. Fallen on the cold floor of the cell, Rohtesh writhed in pain before he managed to get up gathering all his strength and dragged his ass till, he reached the wall so that he could sit down resting his back.

The Guardian's feature image

The Guardian


He is the happiest man in the whole world to see his beloved marrying her choicest man. He watched them walking down the stairs after the wedding. They walked towards him as she was ecstatic to see him. He had that beautiful gentle smile on his face as he waited for her to come near him and flung her arms around him to hug him tight. “I am so happy… So so happy, my guardian.”

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The Survivor's fate


Ayden Roy got back his consciousness and found himself in a thatched hut. He tried to get up but he could not. "Arrgghhh fucckk", he writhed in pain. He was lying on a log of wood, carved like a bed. And for comfort there was hay on it, underneath his body. He looked around wondering where he was and who put him like this. Was he a captive of the criminals? He could not understand. He tried to sit up again resting on the left arm elbow but he failed and fell flat on the hay. And he saw a scantily clad black woman walked in the hut uttering the words that were beyond his imagination and understanding. But from her expression he could make out that he was in safe hands as she came close to him and caressed his forehead, pulled him up to sit down, resting his back on the wooden plank kept behind him on that piece of wooden log. While doing so she didn’t even bother if his face was clasped between her huge soft bosoms. He kind of felt safe with that gesture from her.